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Employee Engagement

Why you should care

Worldwide, only 13% of employees consider themselves to be fully engaged, according to leading industry research. Not only that, but replacing an employee costs, on average, more than £30,000.

These are worrying statistics:  a lack of engagement can impact, among other things,  productivity, profitability, staff and customer retention, absenteeism, and safety records.

Increasing engagement among your people is one of the best ways we can help you address your business challenges. It makes clear business sense to give all of your employees reasons to stay engaged.


of employees consider themselves engaged

How Insights works with you

We believe that it is every individual’s responsibility to make the choice to become engaged at work.

We start by increasing everyone's level of self-awareness, so that they become more aware of how engaged they feel, what boosts their engagement, and what blocks it.

By focusing on the individual, we're increasing engagement from the inside of an organisation - engagement becomes something that employees choose to increase organically. This makes it personal, tangible and sustainable.

There are three elements to this approach to engagement:

  • Being – Where we ask people to consider how available they make themselves at work, what attitude they bring with them, and how present they are.
  • Connecting – this is about instilling a culture of psychological safety and a growth mindset culture, where risks are there to be taken and mistakes are something to learn from.
  • Owning – Here we focus on the meaning and purpose people find in their work, as this deeply affects how engaged people feel.

Of course, these are all supported by the leadership of the organisation; while we don't expect leaders to be able to cultivate a team of fully engaged employees at all times, they do have to take responsibility for creating a culture in which employees can choose to get engaged and flourish.

What does it look like?

We create engaged organisations one employee at a time. By making engagement part of everyone's conversation, and with the practical learning and activities that your people can put into practice on the job, engagement will start to shift one conversation, one person, one team at at time.

Having an engaged workforce is the key to a lot of the problems facing today's organisations - from staff and customer retention, to safety records, to productivity, having engaged people on your front line is key to business success.

We get totally invested in the impact of our solutions, and as our partner, so will you. We'll work with you to really understand what's at the heart of your most pressing business challenges, and we'll create a learning journey for your people that taps right into what's going on for them.

Learn more about Insights Discovery

The results

To learn more about how a culture of engagement can tackle your challenges, take a look at how we worked with Philips to improve engagement levels.

Philips needed a solution which was bespoke, flexible and cost-effective, which is where Insights could help.

View the case study
17% increase in employee engagement
105K employees worldwide

Let us help your business today. Contact us now to start your journey.