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Recruitment Privacy Notice



Thank you for your interest in applying for a position at Insights. This Recruitment Privacy Notice sets out how we collect, hold and use personal information about you during the application process. This Recruitment Privacy Notice complies with the with the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).

Who are we?

We are The Insights Group Limited (SC166543), a company registered in Scotland and headquartered at Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Technology Park, Dundee, DD2 1EG. Any reference in this notice to “we” “our”, “us” or “Insights” means The Insights Group Limited and our affiliates. Insights is a "controller”, this means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you

If you are providing personal information about, or on behalf of, another person, you must make sure that you tell them what you are providing to us, why you are providing it and make them aware of this Notice. Please do not provide any personal information to us unless you have the right to do so.

We want to ensure that the personal information which we collect, and the processing of it, is proportionate. We will notify you of any changes to the personal information we collect, or the purposes for which we collect and process it by updating this Notice.

What personal information do we collect?

We limit the collection and processing of information necessary to achieve one or more purpose as outlined above. The personal information which we collect will be tailored to your local regulatory requirements, which may include:

  • Contact information as provided by candidates at their own discretion such as: title, names, addresses, telephone numbers, personal email addresses and fax numbers
  • Any relevant identification documents such as a copy of any driving license, passport, birth certificate and proof of current address
  • Any relevant evidence proving applicants are entitled to work in the location of the vacancy;
  • Any relevant evidence of how applicants meet the requirements of the position, including academic certificates, references, CV/Resumes and information contained within application forms and including any relevant notes from any interviews conducted;
  • Any relevant records of correspondence with applicants on both the position and the recruitment process including but not limited to any updates regarding the status of an individual’s application;
  • Personal information relating to pre-employment checks which, depending on the role applied for, may include criminal record, credit, and directorship;
  • Salary details from previous employers and salary expectations (including benefits and bonuses);
  • Relevant Health data, where this is required for us to be able to implement appropriate accessibility measures as applicable;
  • Diversity monitoring information (which will not be used to determine outcome of the recruitment process and completion is entirely optional)
  • If you are successful, we may gather additional information such as bank details and emergency contact details

Special Category Personal Information

During the application process, we ask you to provide us with special category information as part of our diversity monitoring process.

Special category information simply means personal information which relates to your racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health condition and/or sexual orientation. Beyond the diversity questionnaire we ask you not to provide any special category information to us unless we specifically ask you to, for example where we seek to make reasonable adjustments to facilitate an interview for any individual with accessibility needs.

Provision of this information is completely voluntary, and it is never used during the selection process. Where you supply it, the information is anonymised and aggregated to enables us to obtain measurable data which contribute to the assessment of our Equality and Diversity Inclusion and Belonging objectives allow us to assess our commitments to ensuring throughout the whole recruitment process.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information directly from you when you have applied directly for a position at Insights. We may also collect personal information about you through third parties such as recruitment agencies, LinkedIn or through a current employee recommendation. If you are successful, we may also collect information about you from previous employers and/or academic institutions which you have attended.

Generally, we do not rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data although we may ask for consent, where required, to send marketing communications to you via email or text message.

Why we collect personal information and how we will use it

We collect your personal information for the following specified purposes:

  • To help us evaluate your suitability for a specific role with us;
  • To allow us to contact you to discuss your application in more detail;
  • To share information about us, and the role you have applied to;
  • To allow us to make arrangements relating to the recruitment process, such as arranging interviews;
  • To keep you updated about progress of your application;
  • To share information about other opportunities within Insights that might be of interest to you, potentially through targeted e-mailings or newsletters; and
  • To support our diversity monitoring processes;
  • Comply with our legal/regulatory requirements.

It is in our legitimate interests to decide whether to appoint you to since it would be beneficial to our business to appoint someone to the particular role that you have applied for.

We also need to process your personal information to decide whether to enter into a contract of employment or services with you.

If you fail to provide personal information

If you fail to provide information when requested, which is necessary for us to consider your application (such as evidence of qualifications or work history), we will not be able to process your application successfully.

Automated Decision-Making

During the recruitment process, you will not be subject to any decisions that will have a significant impact on you based on automated decision-making.

Who do we share your information with?

We will share personal information with Insights employees who have involvement in the recruitment process. Employees who access personal information are aware of their obligations to only use and process personal information in accordance with data protection laws.

Where you have applied through a recruitment agency, we may share personal information with them. Please ensure that you read any relevant privacy notice of any recruitment agencies before permitting them to pass your personal information to us.

If you are successful with securing a position at Insights, we may share personal information with third parties to obtain references and to perform any required pre-employment checks. We will only carry out pre-employment checks such as criminal record, credit and directorships where we have a legal requirement to do so, or where such checks are directly relevant to the particular position applied for. We will advise you when we need to carry out these checks and will seek your consent where appropriate to do so. We may share your contact details with our pre-employment screening provider, who will contact you to arrange for the relevant checks to be conducted in accordance with our written instructions. We may be required to collect and process additional personal information about you as part of our pre-employment checks; if we do, we’ll let you know. We won’t pass your personal  information to our third-party provider, for the purpose of pre-employment checks, without letting you know what personal information will be passed on and how it will be processed.

We use an Applicant Tracking System provided by a third party, SmartRecruiters (SR) to manage our online job postings and applications. Insights determines the manner and purpose for any collecting and processing of personal information. SR ( processes and hosts your CV/Resume and/or application forms, a record of all communications between us, and records related to the recruitment process, such as interview notes.

Our vacancy advertisements are hosted by SR, please be aware that when you access the SR website, SR may collect personal information directly from you for its own purposes. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with SR Privacy Policy.

If you are employed with us, you will be required to sign either a contract of employment or of services which may contain additional details about how your personal information will be handled and stored which will be in line with our Employee Privacy Notice.

Where personal information is stored

Personal Information may be held at our offices and those of our group companies

Any data that is processed by SR will be held within SR’S AWS data centre in Frankfurt, Germany.

How your personal information is kept secure

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a business need to know it. Those processing your personal information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any unauthorised use of personal information and would notify as soon as we become aware of any unauthorised use of your personal information.

Data Retention

We keep the personal information that we obtain about you during the recruitment process for no longer than is necessary.

If you applied to us directly and are not successful, we will keep your personal information for 12 months from the date on which we were last in contact with you. This is to ensure that, where possible, we can re-engage with you should alternative suitable roles arise and to assist us to resolve any issues or queries about the recruitment process which may arise. Unless you are successful, all personal information which is held about you will be deleted or destroyed at the end of the 12 months and no record of your application will be held by us after then. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes any digital records held in our Applicant Tracking System, as well as all locally held personal information, in either soft or hardcopy form. We may delete your personal data before the 12 months have ended if you have exercised your legal right to object to the processing and we have no other lawful basis to continue the processing.

If you applied to us via a third party, for example a recruitment agency, we will also retain your information for up to 12 months to assist us to resolve any issues or queries about the recruitment process which may arise. We will not contact you directly, however, as this may be contrary to the commercial terms we have agreed with any involved 3rd party. We may delete your personal data before the 12 months have ended if you have exercised your right to object to the processing and we have no other lawful basis to continue the processing.

If your application is successful, your personal information will be transferred to our HR administration department and processing will be subject to either your contract of employment and services and employee privacy notice.

Your legal rights

You have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “subject access request”).
  • Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you.
  • Request erasure of your personal data.
  • Object to processing of your personal data.
  • Request restriction of processing of your personal data.
  • Request the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party.
  • Withdraw consent.

You may access those rights by contacting our Data Protection officer at

How you can contact us and your right to complain:

If you have any questions or concerns about this Recruitment Privacy Notice please contact our Data Protection officer at

You may also wish to raise any concerns with the relevant data protection Supervisory Authority. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the relevant Supervisory Authority for Insights. The ICO can be contacted at

We may change this General Privacy Notice from time to time so please check regularly to keep informed of updates. We will endeavour to keep you informed of updates via our website, applications and/or through the email address you provided to us. We also ask that you check our websites for any updates which may affect you.

We are continuously improving our recruitment process, so we may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. When we change the policy we will advise all candidates currently held in our Applicant Tracking System by email.

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. You can contact us at any time to update your personal data.

Last update: 03/06/2024

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